What We Believe

at Laguna Niguel Presbyterian Church

Our Beliefs.

The following are the core beliefs of Laguna Niguel Presbyterian Church based on the foundational truths taught in the bible. All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these biblical doctrines.


God is the Creator of the universe and all of us. We know and worship God as our heavenly Father, through our relationship with his Son by the power of the Holy Spirit.


We believe that God is a single being that exists simultaneously and eternally as a divine community of three distinct persons – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus & The Holy Spirit

Jesus Christ is our Lord and the world’s only Savior. Through his life, death and resurrection, God offers us forgiveness and the opportunity to renew our relationship with God now and forever. Following him means changing our perspective and learning to see ourselves and others as God does. The Holy Spirit enables us to love God, ourselves, and others the way that Jesus modeled for us in his life and teaching.

The Bible

The Bible is more than a set of guidelines or ideals. It is the inclusive story of love and life, healing and restoration, promise and fulfillment, the Word of God, and our authority in faith and life as it proclaims who Jesus Christ is and how he saves us.

Ourselves & Each Other

God has given all of us great worth and dignity by creating us in God’s image. We are invited to follow God’s ways, but none of us are perfect. Even when we fall short of God’s best plan for us, God does not abandon us. We are forgiven, redeemed and made whole by Jesus Christ, our Savior.

The Church

Jesus never intended for his followers to go it alone, so he called them into community. Together we share in ministry, mission, and worship.

Our Vision.

To build a Family of Faith by welcoming all people into a life-changing
journey together as servants of Jesus Christ through:
Worship of a loving and sovereign God
Transformative growth toward Christian maturity
Loving God and people
Loving service to our community and the world 

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