"Sing to the Lord a new song; Sing to the Lord, all the earth! Sing to the Lord, praise His name; proclaim God’s salvation day after day. Declare God’s glory among the nations, God’s marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise"
Psalm 96

Upcoming important dates:
Music Ministry
Scripture invites us to boldly sing to the Lord a new song! At LNPC, some of our songs are "new" and many more are familiar songs presented to the Lord in creative and fresh ways. Together we have the weekly privilege to "declare God's glory‚" through our intergenerational worship experiences.
Our Music Ministry offers music to the glory of God, assists the congregation in worship, helps people develop their God-given gifts, educates children and adults in the music of the church. It provides an opportunity for Christian fellowship, worship, and prayer support.
Children, Youth and Adults are Invited to Share Musical Talents
There are opportunities for vocalists and instrumentalists in our worship services, programs, and concerts. Whether you sing or play an instrument, both vocalists and instrumentalists have opportunities to participate throughout the year. Consider serving the Lord by sharing your musical gifts. You are invited to join our Chancel Choir, one of our Contemporary Worship Teams, a vocal or instrumental ensemble, or one of our exciting and educationally-oriented children's choirs.
Our Music Ministry offers music to the glory of God, assists the congregation in worship, helps people develop their God-given gifts, educates children and adults in the music of the church. It provides an opportunity for Christian fellowship, worship, and prayer support.
Children, Youth and Adults are Invited to Share Musical Talents
There are opportunities for vocalists and instrumentalists in our worship services, programs, and concerts. Whether you sing or play an instrument, both vocalists and instrumentalists have opportunities to participate throughout the year. Consider serving the Lord by sharing your musical gifts. You are invited to join our Chancel Choir, one of our Contemporary Worship Teams, a vocal or instrumental ensemble, or one of our exciting and educationally-oriented children's choirs.
Chancel Choir
& Worship Teams
Our Chancel Choir participates in the 10am Sunday Worship Service. Led by Lee Lee, Director of Music, the Chancel Choir presents hymns and inspirational songs, and choral classics in worship services and concerts throughout the year.
Rehearsals are on Thursdays at 6:30 PM. They are instructive sessions to coach your vocal and musical potential.
You are invited to sing with the Chancel Choir. If interested, please contact us below. You will be glad you did!
Rehearsals are on Thursdays at 6:30 PM. They are instructive sessions to coach your vocal and musical potential.
You are invited to sing with the Chancel Choir. If interested, please contact us below. You will be glad you did!

LNPC has several worship teams that lead the congregation in praise songs and hymns during Sunday worship services and special events. The worship teams include instrumental band members and singers who rehearse monthly and before services on Sunday morning year-round.
Meet our Music Ministry Director

Lee Lee Troung-Sawicki
Lee Lee joined LNPC in the fall of 2006. She holds a Bachelors of Arts in Music Education with a Vocal-Choral Emphasis from California State University, Fullerton and is certified in the Orff-Schulwerk Music and Movement for Children teaching approach. She has completed Master Classes in Conducting, attended numerous conducting symposiums, and is certified in the Orff-Schulwerk Music and Movement for Children teaching approach. Currently, Lee Lee follows her passion of enabling and educating adults & children alike in Khoi Chorus and Laguna Niguel Presbyterian Church.